Chicago DUI Reduced to Negligent Driving

Published: May 10, 2017, by admin in DUI

In the Chicago area, a man was recently pulled over by police after he reportedly ran a traffic light. When the officers approached, they allegedly smelled the strong odor of alcohol and noticed his mumbled speech and bloodshot eyes. The man was subjected to field sobriety tests and afterward, he was charged with DUI. When the man realized that he was facing some very stiff legal penalties and some equally harsh collateral consequences, like the loss of his driver’s license, he decided to look for a veteran Illinois DUI lawyer.

This led him to the offices of attorney Michael O’Meara, who diligently worked to handle his case. As an experienced DUI attorney, O’Meara relied upon an extensive network of relationships and his knowledge of the Illinois DUI process to find the best possible outcome. After negotiating with the prosecution, attorney O’Meara achieved a drastic reduction in the charges against his client. Instead of dealing with the aftermath of a serious DUI, this client would now only face the petty offense of negligent driving, which may not have been accessible with a less skilled attorney.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.