Chicago Parole & Probation Violation Lawyer
When you qualify for parole or probation, the system has given you a second chance. If you break the conditions of your parole or probation program, the consequences could be severe. In either case, the hearings you attend will not afford you the same rights as in a criminal trial. In the eyes of the law, you are a criminal whose guilt has already been established and will be treated as such. That’s why it’s essential that enroll the assistance of Chicago parole and probation violation attorney to help you stay out of jail.
Chicago criminal defense attorney Michael O’Meara is a former prosecutor with 20 years of experience with the Illinois criminal justice system. A fierce advocate, he will use every resource possible so that you retain your freedom and dignity at the conclusion of your criminal proceedings. When it comes to parole and probation violations, creative thinking and decisive action are the keys to getting you the best case results possible.
Call O’Meara Law today at to find out how we can help if you’re being accused of a parole or probation violation.
What Happens if I Violate my Parole or Probation Conditions?
Parole and probation are both ways for people who have been convicted of a criminal offense to stay out of jail. Parole is the supervision of offenders who have been released before their full sentence has been served. Probation, on the other hand, is an alternative sentence structure to incarceration after your conviction. The successful completion of either program depends on your strict adherence to the guidelines put in place by the sentencing court or the parole board, which may include:
- Periodic random drug testing
- Not committing any new offenses
- Not possessing a gun or a dangerous weapon
- Performing community service
- Paying fines or compensating the victims
- Holding down a job
- Going to school
If you violate any of the above conditions, you run the risk of returning to jail if you are on parole, or serving your sentence behind bars if you are on probation. Thus, it’s in your best interest to follow your probation or parole conditions exactly as they’re made. Also, make sure to be on time to your meetings with your parole officer, and it never hurts to inform your program supervisor if you plan on traveling out of the jurisdiction.
What Should I Do if I Violated a Parole or Probation Condition?
You will not face any penalties for your alleged violation of the parole or probation program until you’ve had the chance to defend yourself at a judicial hearing. Like at a criminal trial, you have the right to a lawyer, to present evidence, and to cross-examine witnesses. But the big difference with a trial is that at a probation or parole hearing, the authorities need only to prove that you committed a violation by a preponderance of the evidence. This means showing that it is more likely than not that you are guilty. At a criminal trial, by contrast, the prosecutor needs to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a much more difficult standard to meet.
Thus, alleged parole or probation violators are at a relative disadvantage compared to the criminally accused. If your alleged violation was the commission of a new crime, it’s even likely that the prosecutors will seek to put you behind bars for the parole or probation violation only, and not even bother to prosecute you for the new crime. That’s how much easier it is for the authorities to win a parole or probation hearing than a criminal trial.
Obtaining Legal Help for Your Parole or Probation Violation
You should get the best legal representation possible to defend your interests if you’ve been accused of violating the terms of your parole or probation. When your freedom is on the line, you owe it to yourself and to your family to push back against the authorities with everything you’ve got. If you want to talk to a Chicago parole or probation violation attorney, call Michael O’Meara today at 312-909-0706 for a free and confidential consultation.